Just add this code to the custom CSS of the page where the form is added.

div.brz-forms2__alert.brz-forms2__alert--success {

background: #2196F3;

font-family: sans-serif;

text-align: center;


You can change the color, fonts, and alignment.

You can also add padding and every CSS property you need

How to modify your Brizy form success message

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Any ideas or Requests


Feel free to contact us.

if you have any Hacks that would be great to add or any ideas you would like to be solved with Brizy cloud, You can write at contact@monsieurclick.com or use the form to upload images and ideas. Thanks a lot !!!

If you want just to say thank you or help us maintain this page, Feel free to donate whatever you want


Thanks a lot for your help, It's greatly appreciated !!

And feel free to ask for tutorials or tips that you would like to discover on the site