*Thanks to K.C Georges

The Brizy Way

After talking to K.C, he told me about a new and nice way of having a Password-protected page with Brizy elements.

You can use the Membership function and set blocks accessible only to logged-in users (check the logged checkbox).   And you don't need your visitors to register with an account.

You only need to give them a username and a Password that will be the same for everyone.

Create a User

Create a single user

Use the Registration function of the Login element. With your email (not the one from your account), the password and the username (ex:member) you will give your users.

Validate the account with the mail you'll receive.

Create a Popup

To provide the login form within a popup, please use the 'Login' element

You can also add this login directly in your page.


Only keep The username and password Field, with eventually the “remember me” button.

Link the access button to the page you want password protected.

Now give your users the username and password you created with the account.

If you're not logged in, you won't see the “membership” blocks.

If you're logged in, You'll see them on the page.

Brizy offers a password protected option

But it's only for a sitewise password protection. It misses a per-page protection. Here is a simple HTML/Javascript hack that you can use to password protect your page.

*Be careful this is just for basic protection. There is no encryption

PASSWORD: Hacks4Brizy

Javascript to add to your page header

Here is the code you'll have to add to your page → code → header section.

Change for your own password instead of “Hacks4Brizy” and add your redirection

<SCRIPT language="JavaScript">

var password; var pass1="Hacks4Brizy"; password=prompt('Enter Password',' ');

if (password==pass1) alert('Correct Password! Click OK to Enter!');

else { window.location="http://hacks4.brizy.site/"; }


Password protected page in BRIZY

Other hacks that could interest you

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Any ideas or Requests


Feel free to contact us.

if you have any Hacks that would be great to add or any ideas you would like to be solved with Brizy cloud, You can write at contact@monsieurclick.com or use the form to upload images and ideas. Thanks a lot !!!

If you want just to say thank you or help us maintain this page, Feel free to donate whatever you want


Thanks a lot for your help, It's greatly appreciated !!

And feel free to ask for tutorials or tips that you would like to discover on the site